
Heysham Golf Club

Heysham Golf Club Adverse Weather Policy: Lightning, Fog, Ice, and Snow

Important Notice for All Golfers:

Your safety is paramount. Each golfer must exercise personal judgment during adverse weather conditions and assumes full responsibility for their own safety.

In the event of lightning, golfers are strongly advised to stop playing immediately and leave the course. Do not wait for a klaxon to sound—your safety is the priority.

Mandatory Suspension of Play:
If Heysham Golf Club determines that weather conditions (or any other hazardous situation) pose a risk to golfers or staff, all players will be required to stop playing immediately. This decision is not optional and must be followed.

Signals for Suspension or Abandonment of Play:

Immediate Abandonment:
One continuous 20-second klaxon sound.
Action: All golfers must stop playing and leave the course immediately. Do not complete the hole you are currently playing.

Temporary Suspension:
Three short klaxon sounds.
Action: Players must mark their ball and take necessary precautions for their safety. In the case of lightning, stand away from your golf equipment, do not use an umbrella or mobile phone, and avoid sheltering under trees.

Resumption of Play:
Two short klaxon sounds.

The authority to stop or suspend play rests with the event organizer or their appointed representative. This typically includes the course manager or their deputy, the competitions chairman (or their representative), or a club director.

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